Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Herbs To Prevent Diabetes

Herbs To Prevent Diabetes

The number of diabetes cases have increased five fold over the past fifty years. An estimated 16 million people in the US have diabetes and $150 billion is spent annually on the treatment of diabetes. But amazingly, almost half of these people don’t even know that they are diabetic.

Although diabetes itself is a big enough health problem, the side effects are also ominous. For example, one-third of the new cases of end-stage kidney disease are the result of diabetes. Four out of five patients will die – not from diabetes itself, but from cardiovascular disease (heart attack, stroke, or peripheral vascular disease) initiated by the diabetes. Diabetes is the leading cause of amputations and blindness in older people.

Diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions.More than 90% of these cases are known as type-2 diabetes (formerly known as adult-onset diabetes). We must seriously consider what is going wrong. Type-one diabetes used to be called juvenile diabetes, because this type of diabetes is usually found in children and is the result of an autoimmune attack on the pancreas. Which leaves these children without any insulin and therefor they must take insulin to survive. However, there is a way to decrease the risk of developing diabetes.

Syndrome X Dr. Gerald Reavens, a physician and professor at Stanford University chose this term to describe a number of problems that have a common cause: insulin resistance. Through medical research, Dr. Reavens estimates that more than 80 million Americans have insulin resistance, or Syndrome X.

What is the common cause of developing insulin resistance? Over the years, our diet has taken its toll. Because of a high carbohydrate and high fat diet, many people have become less and less sensitive to insulin as a result.

The body desires to control our blood sugars. Therefore, when the body becomes less sensitive to its own insulin, it compensates by making more insulin. In other words, our bodies respond to increasing blood sugar levels by forcing the beta cells of the pancreas to produce more insulin in order to control our blood sugars.

Insulin is basically a storage hormone that drives sugar into the cells to be utilized or stored as fat. We know that diabetes damage from sugar occurs mainly by oxidation of fat molecules, to form toxic lipid peroxides. Insulin enables the body to deal with sugar. But people usually don’t know that insulin also controls fat and muscle.

People with insulin resistance need more and more insulin as the years go by to keep there blood sugars normal. Although these elevated insulin levels are effective in controlling our blood sugars, they also may lead to some serious health problems. Here follows a list of harmful effects caused by elevated insulin levels, called syndrome X.

* significant inflammation of the arteries, which can cause heart attack and stroke * elevated blood pressure (hypertension) * elevated triglycerides – other fat in the blood besides cholesterol * lowered HDL (good cholesterol) * increased LDL (bad cholesterol) * increased tendency to form blood clots * development of significant “uncontrolled” weight gain – usually around the middle

When all the syndrome X factors are combined, our risk of developing heart disease actually jumps twenty fold! When we consider the fact that heart disease is the number one killer in the industrialized world today, we can’t afford to disregard a growing risk of developing it!

After patients have had Syndrome X for several years, possibly even ten to twenty, the beta cells of the pancreas simply wear out and can no longer produce such high levels of insulin. At this point insulin levels begin to drop and blood sugars begin to rise.

At first only mild elevations of blood sugar may develop, which is known as glucose intolerance (preclinical diabetes). More than 24 million people in the United States are at this stage of glucose intolerance. Then, usually within a year or two, if no change in lifestyle occurs, full blown diabetes mellitus will develop. The aging of the arteries then accelerates even faster as blood sugar begin to steadily rise. 


👉Erratic Blood Sugar? Never Eat This Veggie👈


The cause of Insulin Resistance There are several reasons which are suggesting why we become less and less sensitive to insulin over the years. But I truly believe that insulin resistance is the result of the Western diet. Although we are cutting back on fats, we still like to eat far too much carbohydrates. Most people don’t realize is that carbohydrates are simply long chains of sugar that the body absorbs at various rates. White bread, white flour, pasta,rice, and potatoes release their sugars into the blood stream even faster than table sugar. That’s why these foods are called high-glycemic.

Compared with foods such as green beans, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, apples, and oranges , which release their sugars into the bloodstream much slower and are therefore considered low-glycemic foods.

When you eat too many high-glycemic foods,it causes blood sugar to rise very rapidly and stimulates the release of insulin.When our blood sugar drops, we feel hungry. So we grab a snack or have a big meal and the whole process starts all over again. After a period of time, the release of insulin has been overstimulated so often that our bodies simply become less and less sensitive to it. In order for the body to control the blood sugar levels, the pancreas need to put out higher levels of insulin. It is these elevated levels of insulin that cause the destructive metabolic changes associated with syndrome X.

How do you know if you have Syndrome X? After a blood test, you should get the level of HDL (good) cholesterol . LDL (bad) cholesterol, and triglycerides (the other fat in the blood). If you divide the triglyceride level by the HDL cholesterol, the ratio you get is an indication of whether you are developing the syndrome. If the ratio is greater than two, you may be starting to develop Syndrome X. Also, if you notice that your blood pressure or that your waistline is increasing, it is even more likely that you are developing a serious case of Syndrome X.

When a patient treats his insulin resistance with simple but effective lifestyle changes, not only does he prevent accelerated damage to the arteries, but he also avoids diabetes itself.This is true preventive medicine. A healthier lifestyle, not the drugs doctors prescribe, will make the difference. 

Diagnosis of Diabetes The most common test for diabetes is a fasting blood sugar test. Physicians also use a sugar-challenge test, in which a patient is given a sugar load (a pop-like drink that is loaded with sugar), and then takes a blood sugar level test two hours later.

Most physicians believe that a two-hour blood sugar above 200 is the level to diagnose diabetes. A normal two-hour blood sugar level should be less than 110. Patients who have a slightly elevated fasting blood sugar and a two-hour blood sugar between 130 and 190 are classified as having glucose intolerance- preclinical diabetes- and not actual diabetes.)

Since a blood sugar measurement indicates only how a patient is doing at a particular moment, another helpful test is a hemoglobin A1C, which reveals the amount of sugar found in a red blood cell. This test is preferably done every four to six months. Since our red blood cells remain in our body for approximately 140 days, this test is a great indicator of how well a patient is truly controlling his or her diabetes. The normal range for a hemoglobin A1C in most labs is 3.5 to 5.7. A diabetic should keep good control so that the hemoglobin A1C level remains below 6.5%. Then the risk of complications is less than 3%.

Of greater concern is the fact that at the time of actual diagnosis of diabetes, a majority (more than 60% ) of these patients already have major cardiovascular disease. This is why it is critical for physicians as soon as possible and encourage lifestyle changes that can correct the problem. A patient may have Syndrome X for many years before he truly becomes diabetic.

Obesity People who are seriously overweight, men and women over 50-60 lbs, are 3000% more likely to develop diabetes. Even if you are moderate overweight, your risk of diabetes increases by 100%. Insulin resistance (Syndrome X) leads to central obesity, not the other way around. In fact, obesity is a major aspect of this Syndrome.

What do we mean by “central obesity”? This has to do with how your weight is distributed in your body. If it is evenly dispersed all over or you are heavy in the bottom (pear shaped), you may need to drop some weight. But in relation to Syndrome X, you are fine. But if you have gained substantial weight around your waist line (apple shaped), you may be in trouble. You have developed a resistance to insulin. If you have essentially a high- carbohydrate, low fat diet, this makes the insulin resistance worse. The solution is to balance your diet by eating low-glycemic carbohydrates with good protein and good fat and when this diet is combined with a modest exercise program and cellular nutrition, the insulin resistance may be corrected.

Treatment of Diabetes All physicians agree in order to improve their patients condition that they should encourage them, firstly: to pay more attention to insulin resistance, the underlying problem in most cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and not simply focus on treating blood sugar levels. This accounts for the fact that 80% of diabetics still die from cardiovascular disease. Secondly: they should encourage patients to make effective lifestyle changes that will improve insulin sensitivity. Physicians should rely on medications only as a last resort.

Healthy Diet The American Diabetic Association primarily encourage diabetics to have a low fat, high carbohydrate diet. When we want to treat the underlying problem of insulin resistance, we have to take into consideration that there are low-glycemic and high glycemic carbohydrates.The Glycemic Index gives an indication of the rate in which the body absorbs various carbohydrates and turns them into simple sugar.


 Complex carbohydrates (the ones with a lot of fiber) like beans, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and apples release their sugars slowly. When we combine these low-glycemic carbohydrates with good proteins and good fats, in a balanced meal, our blood sugar does not spike. Few people know that high-glycemic foods raise blood sugar much faster than when you eat candy.

The best protein and fats come from vegetables and vegetable oils. Avocados, olive oil, nuts, beans, and soy are great sources of protein and contain fats that will actually lower your cholesterol. The best carbohydrates come from fresh whole fruits and vegetables. Avoid all processed food. An apple is better than apple juice.Whole grains are essential and avoiding processed grains is critical in developing a healthy diet for everyone, especially the diabetics. The worst fats and protein comes from red meats and dairy products, except low-fat cottage cheese, milk and egg whites.

Trans-fatty acids are one of the worst fats you can eat. These are called rancid fats, because they are so harmful to our bodies. Look at labels when you shop. When you read “partially hydrogenated”, don’t buy it.

If everyone would eat this way, exercise, and take some basic nutritional supplements, the diabetic epidemic would be nonexistent.

Exercise Modest exercise has tremendous health benefits. And exercise is especially critical for people with Syndrome X or diabetes mellitus. Because exercise makes patients significantly more sensitive to their own insulin and is therefore a critical part of the lifestyle changes needed for diabetes and those who have insulin resistance.

Nutritional Supplements Several studies have indicated that all antioxidants may improve insulin resistance. It is important for diabetics to take a good mixture of several antioxidants in supplementation at optimal levels.

Chromium is critical in the metabolism of glucose and to improve insulin resistance. A study has shown that 90% of the American population has a chromium deficiency. Chromium significantly increase insulin sensitivity, especially for those who are deficient in this mineral. Diabetics and patients with Syndrome X need 300 mcg of chromium in supplementation.

Vitamin E not only improves antioxidant defenses, but also seems to help the body in the problem of insulin resistance. People with low levels of vitamin E have a five fold higher risk of developing diabetes than those with a normal amount of vitamin E.

 Many studies have proven that vitamin E can protect animals with diabetes from this damage. It works by complex mechanisms that also neutralize sugar directly, besides reducing peroxide formation. Vitamin E works in humans too. In a study by Dr. Guiseppe Paolisso at the University of Napels in Italy gave groups of diabetics 900 IU of vitamin E. After four months the diabetics showed a remarkable reduction in blood sugar.

Magnesium Magnesium deficit has been associated with both type1 and type 2 diabetes, as well as an increased risk of retinopathy in diabetic patients.Studies have shown that when this deficiency is corrected in the elderly, insulin function improves significantly.

Unfortunately, diagnosing magnesium deficiency is very difficult. Typically, serum magnesium levels are tested where only a trace amount of the body’s total magnesium is located. Cellular levels of magnesium are much more sensitive and accurate; however, these can only be tested in research labs, not in hospitals. This is why magnesium deficiency is so under diagnosed. We all need at least 400 – 500 mg of magnesium in supplementation.

Vanadium Vanadium is not a well-known mineral, but it is very important for the diabetic patient. It has been shown to significantly increase insulin sensitivity when taken in supplementation. A diabetic needs to take 50 – 100 mcg of vanadium in supplementation each day.

As I said before, diabetes is increasing at epidemic proportions. In spite of the billions of dollars spent on this disease, we are losing the battle. Physicians and laypeople alike must refocus their attitudes and attack insulin resistance rather than elevated blood sugars. When we see elevated triglyceride levels along with lower HDL cholesterol levels, hypertension, or unusual weight gain, we need to recognize the possible development of Syndrome X and accelerated cardiovascular damage that may have already begun.

Rather than simply treating the diseases that insulin resistance causes, we need to aggressively treat the insulin resistance itself. Isn’t it amazing that such simple lifestyle changes can effect a near-miracle: the disappearance of diabetes? .


👉Erratic Blood Sugar? Never Eat This Veggie👈

Monday, August 24, 2020

Kanye West is slammed for 'making a mockery' of Islam!!


Kanye West has been hammered for 'making a joke' of Islam in the wake of naming his new £180 coaches after the Islamic heavenly attendants of judgment and passing.

The Yeezy Lift 350 V2 Israfil is as of now being loaded by Adidas, while the Yeezy Lift 350 V2 Asriel is relied upon to be delivered one month from now.

Online life clients have trained in on the previous craftsman and sports organization, blaming them for making an 'amazingly harmful affront' for the naming which they 'must offer some kind of reparation for'.

The line follows allegations of social allocation against Kim Kardashian a year ago - which constrained her to declare she would change the name of her skin-tight 'kimono' suits only six days after they were delivered. Kimono's are a long and free conventional Japanese robe, which are worn by ladies.

The Yeezy shoes have confronted reaction via web-based networking media, with irate customers blaming Adidas for 'making a joke' of Islam and requesting that they change the name 

The Asriel shoes have additionally been censured, in spite of the fact that they aren't to be delivered until SeptemberKanye West is 'pushing the limits' of tennis shoe plan with his Yeezy shoes, says Adidas. He is envisioned with Kim Kardashian who was pummeled in a social apportionment line a year ago over her skin tight brand Kimonos - which were named after conventional Japanese garments

Web based life clients are requiring the shoes names to be promptly changed, a statement of regret, and for Adidas to audit how it names footwear. 

One angered customer censured the coach's on Twitter, composing: 'Holy messengers, are viewed as favored animals of God in Islam just as different strict.

'For Adidas to relate what Muslims accept as being such honored animals with shoes is a very, destructive affront which they should take alters for.

'It isn't adequate to make a joke out of the convictions of others. Regardless of whether it were to be a mix-up, it would be considered very thoughtless to permit such a screw up.' 

A second included: 'Loathsome name decision for a shoe. Israfil is one of the four lead celestial hosts in Islam. Adidas - you ought to have gotten your work done. Not very late to fix this.' 
#KanyeWest  #KimKardashian #ADIDAS

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Bayern Munich vs P.S.G. - Champions League Final


Champions League: Bayern Munich 3, Lyon 0

Bayern Munich's numbers, Lyon Manager Rudi Garcia had stated, were scaring to such an extent that they were best disregarded. Unbeaten since early December. Faultless, with not even a point dropped, in 19 back to back games. Scoring objectives at an eye-watering rate.

"On the off chance that we simply take a gander at the measurements," Garcia had said before Lyon confronted Bayern in the Champions League elimination round on Wednesday night in Lisbon, "we should watch the game in the inn."

Lyon proved unable, at long last, prevent Bayern's large red machine from moving on to its first Champions League last since winning the opposition in 2013. Two objectives from Serge Gnabry — the initial a bone-shaking finish from the edge of the punishment territory, the second a crude tap-in — adequately settled the game before halftime. Robert Lewandowski, scoring his 55th objective of the period and his fifteenth in this current season's Champions League, included a third a header in the 88th moment.

Lyon was not really an aloof onlooker to the procedures, however. This was no docile acquiescence, as RB Leipzig's annihilation to Paris St.- Germain by a similar score line on Tuesday night had been. Twice, Lyon verged on starting to lead the pack before Gnabry opened the scoring. In the subsequent half, whenever most would have considered its opportunity blown, Lyon kept on pushing forward, scanning for the cut of favorable luck that may have brought its players a life saver.

P.S.G., positively, will have seen enough from Lyon to accept that Bayern may be more powerless in Sunday's last than Wednesday's last score recommended: the pace of Kylian Mbappé, the art of Neymar and the undertaking of Ángel Di María should inconvenience a Bayern protective line that attempted to contain Karl Toko Ekambi and Memphis Depay.

The difficulty, for P.S.G. furthermore, every other person, is the thing that Bayern offers at the opposite finish of the field. Lewandowski is the feature danger, however the German boss fibers with dangers no matter how you look at it. Gnabry was the star on Wednesday, his amazing run and fearsome wrap up Lyon's souls after a splendid beginning. In any case, there were commendable commitments from Lewandowski — scoring in his tenth consecutive Champions League game, and now just two objectives from Cristiano Ronaldo's record of 17 out of a solitary battle — yet in addition from Leon Goretzka, Alphonso Davies and Thiago Alcantara, as well.

The experience that Bayern's chief, Hansi Flick, can approach may loan an edge, as well. In Manuel Neuer, Thomas Müller, Jérôme Boateng and David Alaba, Bayern has four overcomers of its triumph over Borussia Dortmund in the 2013 last. Five, really, on the off chance that one incorporates Lewandowski, who was in Dortmund's yellow and dark that night.

P.S.G., obviously, has never arrived at the last this season, however a few of its players have. Di María won the competition in 2014 with Real Madrid, and Neymar lifted the trophy a year later with Barcelona. They and Mbappé won't plan to be aloof onlookers, and will accept they can have a preferably better result over Lyon did.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Messi Dibeli Kelab Gergasi "Serie A" Inter Milan!!


‘Messi lebih dari sekadar impian untuk Inter’ - Mirabelli percaya bintang super Barcelona dapat dibeli dari Camp Nou.

Bekas pengarah Nerazzurri mengakui bahawa kelas berat Serie A telah berminat untuk mendarat pemain Argentina yang ikonik selama beberapa tahun

Lionel Messi adalah "lebih dari sekadar mimpi" untuk Inter, kata Massimiliano Mirabelli, dengan gergasi Serie A telah meninggalkan pintu terbuka mereka kepada superstar Barcelona selama beberapa tahun.

Pergerakan ikon Argentina telah diperdebatkan di San Siro untuk beberapa waktu sekarang.

Mantan presiden Nerazzurri Massimo Moratti tidak pernah menjauhkan diri dari kenyataan bahawa dia akan menyambut baik kesempatan untuk menambah buku sepanjang masa di buku-buku di Milan. Pemimpin semasa Zhang Jindong mempertahankan cita-cita itu, tetapi membuat kesepakatan selalu terbukti sukar.

Menghadiahkan Messi dari Barca adalah tugas yang hampir mustahil sepanjang kariernya yang luar biasa hingga kini, dengan pemenang Ballon d'Or enam kali tetap setia kepada gergasi Liga.

Akan tetapi, banyak pertanyaan yang akan ditanyakan mengenai masa depannya setelah berakhirnya kempen 2019-20 bagi mereka yang berada di Camp Nou.

Perbincangan penyambungan kontrak ditangguhkan, dengan Messi mempunyai masa kurang dari 12 bulan untuk menjalankan syaratnya sekarang.

Situasi itu memberikan harapan kepada banyak pelamarnya di seluruh dunia, dan Inter dijangka dapat menonjol dalam perebutan perpindahan.

Mirabelli percaya itu akan berlaku, dengan mantan pengarah Nerazzurri memberitahu Radio Sportiva: "Ketika saya berada di Inter, Presiden Zhang akan berbicara tentang pasar transfer dan berkata, 'Saya mahu Messi,' tetapi kami harus menjelaskan bahawa itu tidak. mungkin disebabkan oleh Financial Fair Play.

"Saya dapat meyakinkan anda bahawa Messi lebih dari sekadar impian untuk Inter. Dia kini hanya tinggal satu tahun kontraknya dan Barca tidak mahu mengambil risiko kehilangannya secara percuma pada musim panas depan.

"Ada keputusan penting yang harus dibuat di Sepanyol, tetapi mereka tidak mahu dibiarkan kosong. Sesiapa yang ingin memanfaatkan situasi sebaiknya harus maju. "

Inter semestinya mengharapkan banyak persaingan jika Messi mengundang tawaran dari jauh, dengan kehadiran Pep Guardiola di Manchester City dan kekuatan perbelanjaan kelas berat Liga Perdana memastikan untuk memastikan mereka berada dalam campuran.

Namun, peluang untuk menghidupkan kembali persaingan lama dengan penyerang Juventus, Cristiano Ronaldo di Itali dapat menarik minat Amerika Selatan.

Highest temperature on Earth' as Death Valley, US hits 54.4C

The potentially record-breaking temperature was recorded in Death Valley, California


What could be the highest temperature ever reliably recorded on Earth - 130F (54.4C) - may have been reached in Death Valley National Park, California. 

The recording is being verified by the US National Weather Service. 

 It comes amid a heatwave on the US's west coast, where temperatures are forecast to rise further this week. 

 The scorching conditions have led to two days of blackouts in California, after a power plant malfunctioned on Saturday. 

 What were the previous records? 

 Sunday's reading was recorded in Furnace Creek in Death Valley. 

Before this, the highest temperature reliably recorded on Earth was 129.2F (54C) - also in Death Valley in 2013. 

A higher reading of 134F, or 56.6C a century earlier, also in Death Valley, is disputed. It is believed by some modern weather experts to have been erroneous, along with several other searing temperatures recorded that summer. 

  • Dangerous heat wave forecast for south-west US 
  • Summers could become 'too hot for humans' 
  • Last decade confirmed as hottest on record 

 According to a 2016 analysis from weather historian Christopher Burt, other temperatures in the region recorded in 1913 do not corroborate the Death Valley reading. 

 Another record temperature for the planet - 131F, or 55C - was recorded in Tunisia in 1931, but Mr Burt said this reading, as well as others recorded in Africa during the colonial era, had "serious credibility issues". 


Sunday, August 9, 2020

The 23rd One Piece New Opening & Theme Song ~ DREAMIN’ ON by Da iCE

"The 23rd new opening theme song for One Piece debuts on August 2nd with episode 935! New opening theme is called DREAMIN’ ON by the Japanese group, Da-iCE," Toei Animation shared. 
Anime openings are key parts of a show, and One Piece does have some great ones. So far, the openings for the Wano Country arc have been spot on. This newest one should tease the next part of the Wano arc, and there are big things to come. After all, Luffy still has to break out of jail, and the rest of the Straw Hats have their own assignments to see through. 
#OnePiece #WanoArc

Friday, August 7, 2020

Zachary Latham fatally stabbed his neighbor William Durham Sr. to gain TikTok fame!!

An 18-year-old New Jersey resident faces murder charges in the death of his neighbor and lawyers claim the violent act was committed for TikTok notoriety.

Fox News reports Zachary Latham fatally stabbed his neighbor William Durham Sr., a corrections officer, in May as the result of an ongoing conflict between both families. The teenager allegedly lured the opposing family into his home after previously filming multiple incidents between the two parties for TikTok.

Durham family lawyers claim the murder that followed the fight intentionally started to help the teen become “TikTok famous.”

One video showcasing a confrontation between Latham and Catherine Durham, the victim’s wife, reached 3 million views. According to Fox News, the video shows the teen repeatedly calling the woman a “Karen.”

Another video reportedly features Latham and Durham’s 21-year-old son, William Durham Jr. Fox News reports the video shows William Jr. attempting to open Latham’s car door. On the broadcast, the teen can be heard saying “I got a knife, dude.”

He used the caption, “Karen’s son found out the video went viral and tried taking me out of the car,” the family’s lawyers told prosecutors in a letter.


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Moment Beirut, Lebanese capital rocked by huge explosion!! #BeirutExplosion

Beirut, Lebanese capital rocked by huge explosion!! killing at least 78 people and injuring 4,000

A large blast in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, has killed at least 70 people and injured more than 4,000 others, the health minister says.

Videos show smoke billowing from a fire, then a mushroom cloud following the blast at the city's port.

Officials are blaming highly explosive materials stored in a warehouse for six years.

President Michel Aoun tweeted it was "unacceptable" that 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was stored unsafely.

An investigation is under way to find the exact trigger for the explosion. Lebanon's Supreme Defence Council said those responsible would face the "maximum punishment" possible.

Hospitals are said to be overwhelmed and many buildings have been destroyed.

President Aoun declared a three-day mourning period, and said the government would release 100 billion lira (£50.5m; $66m) of emergency funds.

A BBC journalist at the scene reported dead bodies and severe damage, enough to put the port of Beirut out of action.


Sunday, March 8, 2020

Movie “Rurouni Kenshin Final Chapter The Final / The Beginning” Continuous release on July 3 (Fri) & August 7 (Fri) 2020

Movie “Rurouni Kenshin Final Chapter The Final / The Beginning” Special News 連 続 Consecutive release on July 3 (Fri) & August 7 (Fri)!

The largest series of Japanese movies with total box office revenues exceeding 12.5 billion yen is finally completed! The action-moving masterpiece “Rurouni Kenshin” series continues to reign as the pinnacle of entertainment that has changed the history of Japanese movies. "Rurouni Kenshin" released on August 25, 2012 (final box office revenue: 3.10 billion yen), "Rurouni Kenshin-Kyoto Daikin Hen" released on August 1, 2014 (final box office revenue 5.22 billion yen), September 13, the same year Published “Rurouni Kenshin: The Last Legend of Legends” (final box office revenue: 4.35 billion yen), total box office revenue is over 12.5 billion yen, and the number of spectators has exceeded 9.8 million! Powerful ultra-high-speed action that no one has ever experienced and human drama drawn in an emotional manner are enthusiastic not only in Japan but also all over the world, including North America, Britain, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines and other Asian countries Distributed in more than 100 countries around the world, exhibited at over 50 international film festivals around the world and highly acclaimed! And this summer, "Kenshin" will return again. "Rurouni Kenshin: The Final Chapter: The Final / The Beginning" is a nationwide road show for two consecutive titles from July 3 (Fri) and August 7 (Fri), respectively!

  In the past, Himura Kenshin was afraid of being a “cutting sword”, but with the dawn of a new era, he lived a calm life with an uncut sword, the reverse bladed sword. Kenshins, who wrestled with an unprecedented struggle to stop Japan's plan to overthrow Japan's crazy enemy, Shimizu Mami, lived peacefully in Kamiya Dojo. However, suddenly, a series of attacks were launched into central Tokyo, threatening Kenshin and his friends' lives. Who is it really doing? For what? It is largely related to the swordskin past that has never been revealed, and leads to the mystery of a cross that never disappears. Then, we will continue to "Rurouni Kenshin-The Final Chapter: The Beginning," which approaches the mystery of the that has never been told. Drawing through the two eras of the end of the turbulence and the new era after the Meiji Restoration! The greatest climax in the history of "Rurouni Kenshin" drawn through two works. All of "Rurouni Kenshin" is here. The movie "Rurouni Kenshin Final Chapter The Final / The Beginning" will be a road show for two consecutive episodes of July 3 (Fri) & August 7 (Fri)!・ Official site http://rurouni-kenshin.jp ・ Official Twitter https://twitter.com/ruroken_movie ・ Official Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ruroken_movie/ #Ruruni Kenshin Final Chapter Cast: Ken Sato Makoto Nitta, Takataka Aoki, Yusuke Aoi, Yosuke Eguchi Director: Keishi Otomo Original: Nobuhiro Wazuki "Rurouni Kenshin-Meiji Kenkaku Roman Romantan" (Shueisha Jump Comics) Production: Movie "Rurouni Kenshin Final Chapter The Final / The Beginning" Committee Production / Distribution: Warner Bros. Movie © Nobuhiro Wazuki / Shueisha © 2020 Movie "Rurouni Kenshin II Final Chapter The Final / The Beginning" Production Committee
Sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ykmvdBjX7s&feature=emb_logo

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The official website for the 'final chapter' of the live-action film series based on Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin manga revealed the titles and summer 2020 release dates for the two films on Friday. Rurouni Kenshin Saishūshō The Final will open in Japan on July 3, and Rurouni Kenshin Saishūshō The Beginning will open on August 7. The website also revealed a teaser visual for the films.  
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Rurouni Kenshin Saishūshō The Final will center on the story from the manga's "Jinchū" arc, which features Kenshin's conflict with the mysterious weapons dealer Enishi. Rurouni Kenshin Saishūshō The Beginning will tell the story of how Kenshin got his cross-shaped scar. 
 Sources: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2019-12-19/live-action-rurouni-kenshin-final-chapter-films-open-in-summer-2020/.154548

Sunday, January 5, 2020

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